EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework

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According to the European Union Regulation 2019/880, a Cyber Security Act (CSA) has introduced; it was an initiative of the European Parliament in 2017. It aims to establish a constant Agency (ENISA) to direct cybersecurity issues and threats.


On March 27, 2019, the Cyber Security Act had occurred and resulted in the formation of both ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) and CSF (Cybersecurity Certificate Framework).



Its goal is to create an agency that permanently discusses all the problems and threats related to cybersecurity. Also, it lowered the complications for companies and the cybersecurity framework for each EU member state and inaugurated a CSF.


Cybersecurity certification Framework 

CSF has taken the place of all the national frameworks for cybersecurity. This framework holds three basic levels and provides a guarantee to ICT products, processes, and services. 

  • Basic
  • Substantial
  • High


ICT (Information Communication and Technology)

ICT contains all the communication devices like mobile phones, radios, satellite systems, television, computers, network hardware, software, and all those that concern or related to these products.

Every EU member state will implement confirmation or certification plans. They will delegate a national certificate supervisory authority that will direct the affirmation issuance and force punishments and sanctions for disobedience. 


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