X-ray Orientation Analyzer Heat Dissipation Is Important

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The fixed anode X-ray Orientation Analyzer ray tube is a simple one of the commonly used X-ray orientation analyzer ray tubes. Its structure consists of an anode, a cathode, and a glass shell that holds two poles and maintains a high vacuum inside the glass tube. The anode consists of an anode head, an anode cover, a glass ring and an anode handle. The main function of the anode is to use the target surface of the anode head to block high-speed electron flow to generate X-rays, and the heat generated is radiated or conducted through the anode handle. It also absorbs secondary electrons and disperses the rays. The X-rays generated when the tungsten alloy X-ray orientation analyzer ray tube works consumes less than 1% of the energy of the high-speed moving electron flow. Therefore, heat dissipation is an important issue for the X-ray orientation analyzer ray tube.

The cathode is mainly composed of a filament, a focusing cover, a cathode sleeve and a glass rod. The electron beam that bombards the anode target is emitted by the filament of the hot cathode and is formed by focusing on a focusing hood under the high-pressure acceleration of a tungsten alloy X-ray orientation analyzer ray tube. The high-speed electron beam hits the anode target and is suddenly blocked, thereby generating X-rays with a continuous energy distribution. X-ray diffraction analysis technology is an effective and accurate method for determining crystal structure, qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, accurate determination of lattice constant, stress measurement, residual austenite measurement and crystal orientation determination. The characteristics of X-ray diffraction analysis technology are: it can reflect the statistical results of a large number of atomic scattering behaviors, and the results have a good corresponding relationship with the macroscopic properties of materials.


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