What is Modular Homes?

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The term modular refers to a “system that subdivides a system into smaller modules that can be independently modified or created by the exchange between different systems”. But what does the term modular homes refer to? Don’t worry; we are here to explain each and everything that you need to clear your concept.

Modular homes are a way or method of constructing homes away from the building site and then delivering it to that intended site. These homes are consist of repeated sections.

History of modular homes

Let’s share some interesting and exciting facts about how this started and how the passage of time evolves that process. At the end of World War 2 or in the start of the year 1940 veterans use to live in house trailers, they usually love to live in these trailers because it is effortless to travel with them. You can take them anywhere or everywhere you want. As time passes, engineers or marketers started to think about the name because they wanted to give it some exciting name. So, they came up with the name as “manufactured homes”. Here at this, point let me clear you the difference between manufactured homes or modular homes. Both of these are different terms in some aspects.

Difference between manufactured and modular homes

These two terms have confused the People of the US. They are unable to understand and got confused every time. Here are some points that will clearly explain the difference between them.


Here on this website, you will come to know all about modular homes. These homes are built in the “ordinary way”. We have been doing the construction process, just like it was done about 1200 years ago. All of the material is delivered at the building site, and then workers and engineers build the house and give it the final shape of the home.

While the process of building modules in the factory is a bit different, all the modules or we can say that boxes are usually larger and transported to the site where the house was going to build. All the modules are placed side-by-side, end-to-end, or stacked correctly in a variety of ways or styles. Almost 90% of the modules are designed in the factory.

The foundation of these is made up of steel rods. These factories also made manufactured homes. If we talk about the quality of these manufactured homes, then disappointingly they are low-quality.



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