Thoughts on some Online Websites & Apps Testing Platforms, Part I ..

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By Alexander M.
Victoria, TX


I've been 1st introduced to Online Websites & Apps Testing by this YT Video:

It has mentioned three Platforms:

  1. Analysia

 2. FeaturePoints

 3. UserTesting

I've chosen UserTesting to start with:

After signing up, You'll receive an email inviting you to complete your application on the platform  

Completing your application is a very straightforward and easy process. 

But before doing so, please make sure you watch this video and check this article for any potential audio problem you'd have

especially this website which is mentioned in the video where you'll be able to hear your voice exactly as any one'd hear it so you

have a clear idea about if you have any audio problems before starting with your trailer session on the platform.

Also, You will have very clear instructions along with a great explainer video to help you complete your 1st trailer testing session.

After completing your 1st session, it'll show you an uploading progress bar indicating that your video is now being uploaded to

the platform, then you'll receive this email:

Happy Testing!  


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